IBM PC-XT Model 5160
- "Tiny Turbo" 286, allows for switching between original 8088 CPU and 80286.
- VGA Graphics
- Sound Blaster 16 (you'll need to add speakers)
- XT-IDE with 256mb CF card (solid state storage)
- "Six Pack" expansion card
- Additional ram bringing system total to 640kb
- Adds RS-232 Serial port
- Adds RTC with battery backup. Battery not installed and RTC is not Y2K compliant.
- Internal 5.25" 360kb (DS/DD) floppy drive
- External IBM 4865 3.5" 720kb (DS/DD) floppy drive
- Original 20mb MFM hard drive in unit (disconnected but works, or at least it did in 2018)
- IBM Model F buckling spring mechanical keyboard
- VGA Monitor included
- Original documentation
- Also includes (not installed)
- MFM controller card
- Monochrome text-only display controller card